Saturday, August 17, 2013

Crazy Horse Memorial

August 12, 2013

In 1929, Lakota Chief Henry Standing Bear contacted sculptor Korczak Ziolokowski (who had worked on Mount Rushmore) asking him to carve a memorial to Chief Crazy Horse in the Black Hills of South Dakota.  He said he wanted the white man to know that the red man has great heroes, too.  Ziolkowski began the sculpture in 1948, and after his death his family carried on the project.  It's funded entirely by donations - no federal or state funding, and the carving continues today.  It's pretty amazing to see how the work is done, though it is obviously a very slow process - lots of carefully placed dynamite.

This is the view as you arrive at the memorial.  There's also a huge collection of Indian artifacts, clothing, stories, etc. in the Welcome building.

This shows what the final memorial will look like, with Chief Crazy Horse pointing forward as he rides his horse into battle.

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