Sunday, September 8, 2013

Yellowstone Day 3

Started out early today, and we were rewarded with LOTS of elk activity.  It was so much fun watching two young males fighting/playing.  Just like brothers, the one on the right was egging the other on, and he tried to ignore it, but finally took him on.

Down the road, there was a bison in the field.  Lots of folks out taking pictures (including me) but I ran for the truck when he started toward the road.  The woman in the car in front of us apparently thought there would be no problem.( ! )

We continued around the Lower Loop, over Craig Pass (Continental Divide), stopped at the Visitor Center at Grant Village and learned a lot about the 1988 fires in the park (about a third of the park burned).  Stopped at Upper Falls

                                              Then on to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

                      And Inspiration Point, my favorite.  Even a drizzly cloudy day couldn't ruin it.

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